New Front on Front Street (and a Lighthouse on the Perquimans River)

Located on quiet Front Street in historic Hertford, NC, and set amid  several blocks of historic homes whose rear yards directly face the Perquimans River (AKA the Hertford “Riviera”), 206 N. Front Street was arguably the plainest looking house… Continue reading

Antioch Rosenwald School Rehabilitation

Between 1912 and 1932, through a unique collaboration between Sears & Roebuck President  Julius Rosenwald  and Tuskegee Institute's Booker T. Washington, almost 5,000 wood frame school buildings were built throughout The South to provide education for African Americans. Continue reading

Deluxe Telephone Niche

About a month ago (October 2016) I received an inquiry from Karen Henderson, the owner of a 1925 Craftsman Bungalow  in the Denver area, regarding whether I had ever seen a phone niche with a fold-down seat and back. I assured her I had not, and she was kind enough to share photos of her unique, folding seat assembly recessed into a wall  cavity (between two studs),  creating an almost prototype home phone booth (very similar in concept to a built-in ironing board cabinet). Continue reading

Bearing Wall Removal Results in Contemporary Kitchen/Dining Space

Brick and Stone, English styled cottage located in Baltimore County’s Stoneleigh neigborhood (several of this house pattern can be found in this neighborhood, originally developed in the 1920’s, now a National Register Historic District ) was acquired by… Continue reading

“Lost” Baltimore County Waterfront House “Found”.

My first opportunity to design a house on a waterfront lot in Baltimore County, MD, occurred  in 2008, when I worked with a couple to create a 2,000 square foot, three bedroom  house to fit a tight site… Continue reading